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Mindhacking Fatherhood

Mindhacking Fatherhood

every article is written through a TRUTH I have experienced

Gian Marco Speaking About Hacking Fatherhood
Here is a  quick hack on what I use as a dad when I coming to my home to change my role and mindset not only for my wife, which is extremely important but especially for my kids. It’s terribly important to me to put out the right frequency and energy to bring home for them.

When I pull into my driveway I know I carry the stresses of work. I bring  the challenges of work with people telling me I can’t do this and that I have to find a different way. I’ve spent my day jumping over, destroying obstacles throughout the day like we all do in business. The day is filled with leading teams that have been constantly asking for your energy all day long. How do we have an amount of abundance in energy to give to our family and especially our children?

Being a great dad is a big part of my Legacy
Gian Marco kicking it back with his family

One little hack I use figurative speaking is a change of hat and role. I like to remember Mr.Rogers when I grew up,  when he would come into his home from the street and he would change his shoes. Well I do the exact same thing. I literally turn off my car and change a figurative hat on my head that changes me and my mindset energy. I know before I enter my home that I have to recharge with a whole different set of energy qualities to give presence, love, satisfaction and smiles to my children. This is real important because it’s such a short amount of time when we get home around 6, 7 or 8 pm and yet if we put our mind to it we can enrich the quality greatly. Our kids have super busy social schedules. It even appears at times they have busier schedules than we do.

Do they know they are being conditioned to have a father that comes home that’s grumpy, doesn’t want to see anybody…

How do they have the energy also after a full day and how are they showing up when we arrive? Do they know they are being conditioned to have a father that comes home that’s grumpy, doesn’t want to see anybody, wants to sit on a couch, watch TV, open a beer and sedate- not wanting to deal with his family. Or are they being conditioned to receiving a person that they admire, look up to, that has a story to tell about his day and ask them about their day. Bringing home a totally different energy, mindset and focus towards the end of their day can have a quite a positive impact on them.

How do you measure up at the end of the day? Are you showing up with right disposition to engage positively with your family or are you carrying the weight of the day and energy from all of your day. All it takes is a shift that comes with self awareness and adjusting your mindset to shine your best.

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About The Author


Gian Marco is a versatile entrepreneur, awareness strategist and successful business leader. A devoted practitioner in the psychology of how to Rule Your Legacy. He shares his wisdom gained through direct experiences and cuts through 20 years, parting winning best practices to help others accelerate in their personal and business growth.

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